Eggplant Blossoms

If these aren’t some of the prettier flowers in my garden this year!

These are my Ping Tung eggplant.  An Asian variety that’s small and purple- and claims that it stays sweet, with no bitterness.  My other eggplants, the Applegreen variety, small, green-apple size, has no signs of flowers, but the Ping Tungs are doing fabulous!

While I was snapping photos of the eggplant blossoms, I thought I would also snap this picture of my Kale.  It’s huge, and I think I’ll be researching what to do with it soon.  I’ve never had kale, and when I snapped off a leaf the other day to check it out, I just wasn’t impressed.  It tasted like broccoli to me- which isn’t surprising given that it’s from the same family, but I guess I expected something different.  I know I see it called for a lot in winter soups and stews, so I may be blanching it and freezing it for that purpose.

I was also excited to see that my hot Chili de Comida’s were putting out little buds.   These are the HOT peppers that are going to make my salsa sweat if I get enough of them.

The tomatillos are putting out even more lanterns! In fact, it almost seems as if the leaves are disappearing, while the lanterns are forming.  It’s very interesting.  The only drawback to these is the watering.  We had a rainstorm on Wednesday night with a good soaking rain, and I still had to water them on Thursday.  I’m thinking I may see about rigging out some kind of water-from-the bottom thing for the tomatillos using some totes.

And finally today, here’s another flower- my Echinacea has decided to bloom, and while I was looking at them, I noticed that my clematis is loaded with buds.  I can’t wait for those to open- since I have no idea what color the flowers are.

It seems I’m taking more and more photos these days of the gardens, I wonder what I’ll find that’s new today when I head out?