I thought today I would give a bit of a tutorial. I know there are several people who are reading this blog- and not commenting. And I thought, maybe that’s because some of you are new to blog land and don’t know how. So I thought I’d help you out. At the bottom of every post I make, there is a little blurb in the bottom right corner that says “0 comments” or “2 comments” etc. Click on the word comments, and it will take you to a control panel where you can leave a comment about that post. It’s up to you whether you want to create an identity to sign in with- or just leave an annonymous comment. Either way- it would be nice to hear from you! I will try to be back ;ater with a recipe to share. Today I am thinking Manicotti or Stuffed Shells, or something Italian. We’ll see.

35,707 thoughts on “So how do I post a comment?

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