I’m honored! I didn’t know I had “following” on my blog. LOL. Anyway, I’ve been tagged for the 23/5 Meme.

This is the 23/5 Meme.
1. Delve into your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog, along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext, or hidden agendas.
5. Tag others to do the same

So here is my sentence. It makes me laugh just reading it. I can’t believe this was my 23rd post.

I purchased 3 tickets to the midnight screening of the movie to take Caleb and Rachel with me.

That was a sad day indeed. I was supposed to go see Star Wars Episode 3, and I’d had to give my tickets away because Andy was out of town and I couldn’t go flitting off to a midnight movie and leave my kiddies home alone. Although, after the fact, I was having a rough week, and I seem to remember that Zander wasn’t feeling well, so the loss of sleep if I had gone would have been disastrous. I spent that night and the next few watching LOTR instead, and enjoyed watching it from the comfort of my own home. And Andy was able to take me to my movie later- which made him happy.

Hmm. I’m not totally sure who has been tagged and who hasn’t. But for the 23/5 Meme I tag Lizzy of Soul Food, Chandra of Lick The Spoon, and Ana of Kitchen Space.

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