It’s a new month in a new year, and for many people, that means a return to wise eating and an attempt at a regular exercise schedule.   I don’t know about all of you, but I hate that I go into the end of November feeling great, but by the end of December, I’m feeling a little puffy.  So I’ve been refocusing on what I eat, watching my portion size again, and eating only until I’m full- not when my plate has been cleared.  And hopefully, we’ll be rid of the holiday treats soon.

So today, in honor of January, and the opportunity to re-focus and start over, I have a brand new copy of the newly released cookbook, Weight Watcher’s in 20 Minutes, to give away.  There are 250 recipes in this book, including a bonus chapter on doubling the pleasure- cooking extra of one meal for use in another.  The recipes all have points values, and suggestions for saving even more time or suggestions for side dishes. If you’re following the “Simply Filling” technique, there is an index for that as well.  Overall, this is a very nice cookbook- it’s hard back, but spiral bound on the inside, so the recipes lay flat as you are cooking with the book- a feature I love in cookbooks.


To win your very own copy of Weight Watchers in 20 Minutes, I need you to simply leave a comment.  Let me know what you’re doing to re-focus this new year.  It doesn’t need to be food related, but do share- let me know I’m not alone in devoting my attention to that which I have previously forgotten.  Oh, and don’t forget to leave an e-mail address so I can let you know you’re a winner!  Contest ends at 6:30 AM, January 8th, 2009, Central Standard Time- one comment per person please! Extra comments will be deleted.

10 thoughts on “Surprise Giveaway Today!

  1. I have thrown out the cookies and candies and stocked my fridge with fresh fruits and veggies. I have stopped the “I will eat good tomorrow” mentality and realized, “it is tomorrow!”

  2. I’ve started back to working out daily with the hope that it will become a habit again. I’m also cooking from recipes and cookbooks that have a more healthy spin. So far, so good!

  3. I am back to (healthy) meal planning for a week at at time, exercising every-other-day (working full-time & two small kids so Hubby & I take turns after work), throwing out all the junk food – or pawning it off on friends and family 🙂 oh, counting calories, too! BTW, I read your blog all the time but this is my first time commenting – I LOVE your blog! Very informative, funny & realistic…keep of the great work!

  4. I am refocusing my attention to my growing children. They will not be around someday, they’ll be off with lives of their own and I’m afraid I’ll look back and think I didn’t make them smile enough, or laugh enough. I don’t want that to happen!!

  5. I am refocusing on myself this year. I haven’t been very good at doing that. One gets caught up in life and forgets to make good decisions to stay healthy.

  6. I MUST get better at controlling my Type II diabetes and I’m told that the Weight Watcher’s diet is one way to go! I’d love to win this cookbook!

  7. My focus is on the word “discipline”. Discipline in eating, in my spiritual life and in dealing with others.

  8. I think I am going to continue to focus on exercise, and let the diet fall into place. I have lost about 20 pounds over the past year, and I want to maintain that weight-loss and maybe lose a little more. (Or at least gain more muscle and lose more fat.) Of course, unrelated to my physical appearance, 2009 is the year for my big move to Connecticut. It _will_ happen 🙂

  9. Thanks everyone for sharing what you’re re-focusing on! It’s been really nice to read them all and know that I’m not alone in wanting to simply do better. 🙂

    Using, congratulations to Jewel! I’ll be in touch with you to get your mailing information, and get your book out to you.

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