Well, this morning I had planned to share a simple recipe for Chili Con Carne.  Except that we ate it last night for dinner, and the kids ate like two bites each, and about halfway through my bowl I wanted to completely forget about this version of chili.  Because it was just that, completely forgettable, and totally not worth making ever again.  It was just blah, and reminded me very much of the chili that comes in a can…

So instead, today I’ll just have to direct you to my article at Kids Cuisine today.  The chili was a bust, but the Oatmeal Snacking Cake has been wonderful for nibbling on.  Zander’s not nuts about it because it has raisins and nuts in it, but the rest of us are enjoying it quite a bit. In fact, I may need to go whack off a hunk for breakfast this morning.

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