It seems like every other day we’re hearing something new in the land of food and nutrition.  One day eggs are bad for you, the next day they are the new superfood.  One week we’re hearing about how soy is excellent for heart health, and the next we see warnings about it’s potential contributions to certain cancers.  Then there’s the big words out there, antioxidants, complete proteins, probiotics, combined in the same few breaths as e-coli and listeria.  Truly, my head is spinning from all the “sound nutritional” advice floating out there.

While it may be that certain foods may ward off cancers and certain vitamins may boost your immune system, what ever happened to eating food for the sheer enjoyment of it?  Whatever happened to sitting down to a delicious piece of seared tuna and just enjoying it for what it is, and not looking at it like it’s a lovely omega-3 packed piece of sustainable protein?  What happened to being able to sit down and peel a banana and enjoy it’s deliciousness without thinking about the carbon footprint associated with eating that same banana.

These questions and musings have been on my mind lately.  I want to eat as smartly and healthily as the next person, but it seems that something gets lost when we start referring to our entree as a protein and our side dish as a carbohydrate.  Imagine going to that restaurant and seeing that on the menu instead of Charmoula Grilled Flank Steak served with Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes.  I think I’ll have the steak and potatoes thank you.

There is such a thing as moderation and being wise with your caloric intake, and I am a huge advocate of a balanced diet, but not to such extremes.   That is why I was so excited to see the brand new Nourish Network come into fruition.  The Nourish Network is something completely new in the world of food networking- it’s honest, it’s interactive, and it’s all about returning to the real act of enjoying what we eat.  I’ve joined in, and I’m truly excited to see where Nourish Network is going.  I’m certain there’s more than just a few of us who think enough is enough.  I’m ready to enjoy food again, and I suspect most of my readers are too, check it out, sign up, and join in the conversation.  I think it’s going to be a great one!

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