So sorry, I don’t have the previously promised dinenr post. I made a maple-mustard pork tenderloin that really was a bit of a bummer. And my thoughts earlier about getting Abigail to eat a good dinner were well-foiled this evening by her expression of distaste at everything on her plate. And this was after I offered her a piece of candy and she looked at me in horror- “Mommy, I can’t eat that! It’s bad for my teeth!” Ah well. It will be a learning process.

So it was a rather uneventful day. I went to a Pampered Chef party tonight- they’re getting a little old. I have most everything that I want from Pampered Chef, so they best come out with something new soon. I do like their Simple Additions dishes though, they are very clean looking, and I love dishes, so I can continue to collect those.

And this evening I think we determined that we are going to stay home for Easter this year. We were kind of waiting to see how our finances turned out before making any decisions about vacations, but we were thinking about going to North Carolina. Andy’s brother and sister-in-law live in the Durham area, and we were serioulsy thinking about travelling there for Easter. However, reality has decided that instead we really do need to purchase a truck for Andy to get back and forth to work, so we will likely stay home this year. It will work out for the best though, this year Abigail only has two days off of school for Easter break, so next year will be a whole week off. We can surely make a vacation of it next year. Nothing like going South. We’ve never been to North Carolina, so hopefully things will work out for next year. Thanks John and Jen for inviting us though.

So that’s it for tonight. The Amazing Race is on as I write this, so I must get back to my TV viewing. I’m so psyched for The Race to be back, and in it’s original format. Some of th eteams are already annoying though, so hopefully they go soom. 🙂

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