In an effort to blog more, I’m going to catch myself in the kitchen more often.  I can’t tell you how  many times I’m making something and running a nice dialogue in my head, only to never have it make it to the blog.  I’m going to be more purposeful this year, and go from kitchen-brain dialogue to blog dialogue as much as possible.

Today ended up being baking day for me.  I anticipates slicing up the remains of a loaf of bread from Monday for lunch today, so I decided it was time for another batch.  We just so prefer homemade bread around here, and I love baking it.  Sometimes, it just takes more time than I want to put into it.  But giving the kids a series of math problems to do always leaves me with a few minutes to myself- and as so happens, just enough time to whip up a batch of Homemade Sandwich Bread.

With my bread dough rising, I could turn my thoughts to dinner.  I know what we’re having tomorrow, but what about today?  In an idea situation, it would be something that is transportable, as Abigail usually has dinner at the dance school Thursday nights in-between her three classes.  I was finding nothing, and sort of thought that we may just have a leftover clean-out-the-fridge sort of night.   Then inspiration literally came from nowhere.   I plunged my head into my fridge-freezer and dug around until I found what I was looking for.  A small container of sloppy joe.  It wasn’t enough for a meal for four just as plain old sloppy joes.  But if I did something special with it…

Next I went to my cookbooks and sought out the 2005 Cooking Light Annual and turned to the recipe for Bierocks.  These are such fun little things to make- and who doesn’t love eating some kind of meat pie!  Instead of using the filling in the recipe, instead, I would use my sloppy joe filling and make some BBQ Bierocks with extra BBQ sauce on the side for dunking.

I had some issues with my dough.  I’m out of Cooking Spray, so I used plain old vegetable oil to grease my bowl as the dough rose.   Only, I used too much dough, and when I went to roll/press it out and then fill the dough with meat mixture, my dough was too oily to stick to itself.   Issues.  That’s the best word I can come up with.

Oh, they’ll be fine to eat, they just aren’t quite the neat little bundles I was going for.   Abigail will be beyond excited to find one in her laptop lunchbox, Zander will wail and moan because he thinks he doesn’t like sloppy joes, and Andy will be thrilled beyond thrilled- and hope there are a few leftover for lunch tomorrow.

It was a good day in the kitchen.  Tomorrow it will be a lovely roast chicken, homemade noodles and a fresh blueberry pie.  I’m looking forward to it.

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