It seems to be a recurring theme among foodies this week. I have been trying to cook out of what I have on hand this week. So far it seems to be going quite well. Tonight’s dinner was no exception. Today I got it in my head to utilize some frozen shrimp and some frozen asparagus. I did a few searches online and found a couple of promising recipes. One was a CL recipe for Shrimp and Asparagus Risotto. While that appealed to me on so many levels, I’ve only made risotto once, and I really didn’t like it, so I was hesitant to try again with yummy shrimp and yummy asparagus. Inevitably, I did not find a recipe that called to me, so I decided to create my own, and I turned to an old reliable. Fettucini Alfredo.

Fettucini Alfredo apparently originated in Rome. The original sauce was made with simple butter, cream, and parmagiano-reggiano. That’s it. Most of the Alfredo sauces I know and love (as well as my own) also contain garlic. And of course, a sauce made with cream, butter and cheese just screams coronary problems, so I at least do my part by eliminating the cream and using low-fat milk and adding some flour to the mix. I do find it amusing that at restaurants we frequent, plain old Fettucini Alfredo is usually one of the more pricey menu items. It is actually a very economical meal to make at home. And also amusing, is how many people cannot believe that I make homemade alfredo sauce. Come on people, it’s not brain surgery.

And not only did dinner turn out great tonight, but it utilized things I had on hand without a trip to the store. (Which I am trying to cut back on.) I only wished I’d given this enough thought earlier, I would have made some breadsticks to go with it. Then again, given that tomorrow is Weigh-In Wednesday, I seriously doubt I needed the added calories. Come back tomorrow when I start dishing about that dreaded word we all cringe at: Exercise.

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