Andy is likely going to shoot me for sharing this. 🙂 He has started his own blog. He doesn’t promise it to be much, but for the family who catches up here on a regular basis, you can catch his occassional ramblings over here. I also have added his link to my sidebar, so you can access it there too.

Very short post this morning. It’s a grey day here, quite foggy. But dare I say…Spring is trying to spring? One can hope. I saw geese last week, a fly during the week, and it looks like the trees are in the mood to bud. I haven’t seen a robin yet though… Snow is melting like crazy, and if the rain stays away, the grill will be out in full force for dinner tonight. My sister Liz and her fiance are gracing us with their presence tonight, so that will be fun as well.

I have noticed that I have been quite boring on the blog this week, and very rambly…I will try to reign myself in. I’m sure it’s not the most entertaining reading. And I will leave you until later with a picture of last night’s dinner. The first of many, I am sure…But last night Andy fired up the grill, and we had some plain old hamburgers on the grill. They were wonderful. A nice change. I really hope the rain stays away today…

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