I found my mojo.

Last week I was finally able to break out of the funk I’ve been in and find my cooking mojo.  It felt so good to get in the kitchen and really cook for a change!  And then that feeling continued through the weekend.  Our farmer’s market opened for the season, and as I perused the fresh vegetable offerings, I just felt a surge of happiness at the mere idea of cooking every single one of them.  We ended up throwing an impromptu party for Father’s Day, and I found myself cooking and baking again- and none of it felt like the chore it’s been for the past several months.

Overall, I just feel like a fog has somehow lifted.  Today, for the first time in ages, I baked a pan of scratch brownies.  Nothing special, but they are homemade and delicious just the same.

Of course, this means future fodder for the blog.  There is so much inspiration coming out of the ground right now!  It’s a matter of being patient at the moment, but I suspect that in just a few weeks, you’ll be seeing a few recipes show up here that feature radishes and broccoli raab.  Maybe some new mustard greens as well!  Of course, the ultimate in irony at finding my cooking mojo back in sync is that we’re about to embark on our annual family camping vacation.  Before we go though, I’m going to try to slap a few blog posts together, but be assured that once we return, rested and refreshed, cooking will ensue.  It will be delicious, and it will be real.

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