It’s got to be at leadt 50ยบ outside today. Zander was out the back door by 9:00 this morning, just having a blast. That left me thinking that I really should learn some yoga, and get a mat. It was so nice outside…I could just see myself enjoying the morning sunshine and doing a workout. So while Zander played about in the backyard, I attempted, yet again, to get a cable program up, and it’s just not working. So I will have to keep an eye on FITTV and just tape a beginning yoga program so that I can learn the positions. But I did pull out a much-ignored pilates tape this morning instead and went through some of those motions. I’m just not that flexible…and this was a beginner demonstartion video. So maybe I will wait awhile on the pilates. Then after a small bowl of Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch I headed out the door to spend some time with my son. (The cereal is quite good, btw.)

After a few hours of play, he decided it was time for lunch and a nap, so after I got him settled down, I forced myself to do a 40 minute aerobic workout before having my own bit of lunch. And since it was so nice, I turned on the grill and grilled some red and yellow peppers and some green onions for a yummy wrap with pesto hummus and avocado. Mmm. That grill is going to be my best friend I think. And for a triple whammy today, after nap time I took Zander on a nice wagon walk before picking up Abigail from school and walking her home. All in all a very body-conscious day.

Yesterday for the Pampered Chef party I had cut up some veggies, and it’s amazing how I’m much more inclined to grab those when I’m munchy if they are already prepared for me. I will have to keep that up. That and several varieties of hummus ought to keep me going through the day. I just need to find a prepared hummus that doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup in it. Why oh why do they go and wreck something so healthy and so delicious by adding that yucky toxin to it? And yes, I know that making my own is easy, and I have done so, but I like the convenience of prepared hummus. I just have to read the labels next t ime I go to the store. I just assumed hummus would come “yuck-free”.

So back to the grill season thing. Tonight’s dinner will be another repeat. I could likely make Chicken Parmesan four nights a week and Andy would be a happy camper. But tonight I plan a spin…after brushing the chicken cutlets with the herbs and olive oil, tonight I am going to grill them. Usually it’s a light browning in a saute pan. So grilling for one will be much healthier- far less fat, and two it will contribute a new flavor layer in the smokiness. Should be quite good in fact. I’m even thinking that I need to figure out the best way to finish the dish on the grill instead of in the oven- but that will be for next time I think.

So that’s it for today. Tune in tomorrow for Weigh-In Wednesday if you’re interested. I’ve had a pretty good week, so I’m anxious to see if the scale has changed at all. Come back and check it out with me!

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