Hello my dear internet friends!  Has this been the craziest week for me or what! I’m sure I will work my adventures into a blog post or two in the future, but for now, as we get ready to hide away for the coming holiday weekend, I wanted to share about another holiday weekend.


There are so many children in this world who have never in their lives received a Christmas gift.  There are parents who wish they could give their children gifts, but can’t.  And then there are the orphans in other countries who have no one to give them even the tiniest of gifts.

A friend of mine lives in the country of Honduras, and one of her family’s ministries there is to distribute Christmas gifts to the poorest of the poor.  You can imagine, in this day and age, with the economy so topsy-turvey, that support for this type of activity has gone way down.  And that’s why I’m blogging about it today, because I’m hopeful that my blog readers can help.

You can help in many ways- one of course, is to assemble a gift for someone and ship it to a location here in the United States to be packed in a container, which will be shipped to Honduras, then unpacked and sorted by my friends family and volunteers.  A second way you can help though is to help get the word out and get others involved.  Whether that’s through a blog, facebook, or simply asking someone face to face if they would like to help.

It will only take you a few extra minutes the next time you are at Target or Wal-Mart to pick up a plastic shoe box and load it up with goodies for a deserving girl or boy.  That gift could be the only Christmas gift that child receives in their lifetime- think about that.

All the information you need can be found here on their website:

Gifts For Gracias 2011

Please note that the gifts must be received at the shipping points by October 1st.

And if you can do nothing else, please take a few moments and just pray for this years efforts- that they would find enough generous participants to make this year’s Christmas a special one for the poor people of Honduras.

Thank you dear friends. It only takes one person to make a difference.

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