So this morning I am making my daily rounds of the foodie blogs that I frequent, and I stumble on THIS post from Always In The Kitchen. Oh yum. I love grits. I adore grits. There is nothing in the world like eggs and grits. Nothing. The last few times I’ve been struck by the craving, I ralized that I was out of grits. And I just haven’t remembered to pick up some.

Rewind to yesterday afternoon. At church yesterday, Andy and I found out that some very close friends of ours were having a bit of a money struggle, and their larder was getting dangerously low, with several days until payday. We decided to surprise them by doing some grocery shopping for them. I got Zander down for his nap, and headed to town. Now that was truly fun shopping, I have to say. It was incredibly fun filling a shopping cart with that family in mind. While shopping for them though, there were a few things that caught my eye that I added to the cart for myself. Not much, but a few things like some incredible looking strawberries, graham crackers that we were out of. And grits. So I checked out, moved my few groceries into a little bag fpr me, and headed home to Andy so that he could make the delivery. They were overwhelmed, and we really felt like we helped someone out, it was a great day.

Fast forward to this morning. Just a few mintues ago, in fact. I am seeing that beautiful post of eggs and grits, and I am thinking that I WILL go and make some for brakfast this morning. Because I just bought some grits. I…oh no… I clearly remember picking up the package and putting it in the cart…but I didn’t pull it out of the groceries. I am saddened this morning. And I am certain that when they pulled that red can of grits out of the grocery bag they both looked at it like, “what the…grits?…Who eats grits?” Lol. So I hope they enjoy the grits. Now I really have to remember to pick some up later this week.

I will be back later with another coffee review today. Stay tuned.

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