If you continue to scroll down this morning, you will see a group of photos from yesterday’s wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. So fun and so wonderful. It’s really wierd to think this morning that my baby sister is married now!!!! Yesterday while I was sewing a bustle onto her dress, she asked me when it would sink in that she was actually married. I told her about two weeks…but I’m not sure that was a correct answer. Most days I go through life as it is. Taking joy in my children and my husband with each and every day. But then there are some days where something just strikes me and I find myself in awe that I am married to such a wonderful man. So the answer Lizzie…is that with any luck, it will never fully sink in. However, the initial shock will wear off in a few weeks or so. After you and John have attended a few functions as a Mr. and Mrs. you will become accustomed to being a wife. 🙂

Congratulations Liz and John!!!!!!!!!

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