So Andy and I have been accused more than once of not having enough date nights. So tonight we did something a little different to change up our usual evening routine. We invited another family over for dinner- our idea of a perfect date night. And we could not have had a better evening. Andy spent a great part of today working on something a little special- smoking a pork butt. And we simply had to share. So our friends came over and we had a great catching up time. We’ve been so busy lately, it seems like we’ve been negelecting the ones we love. And of course, with great food and great friends, what more could you need? Andy’s pork butt turned out fantastic. Our kids played with our friends’ kids and we were able to spend a great deal of time visiting. And then later on our neighbors came by and somehow we all ended up in their backyard for a bonfire. It couldn’t have gone better if we’d planned every little detail. It was an evening that you hate to have end. But children do need their beauty rest, so the evening had to draw to a close at some point.

Here are a few pictures of Andy’s pork on the grill. Mmmm…

And of course, what would dinner be without dessert. I saw this recipe on Cookie Madness last week and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It isn’t very often that one specific recipe calls to me- but this one certainly did. Razz Ma Tazz bars are FANTASTIC. Oh my are they good- and I even overbaked them a bit, so I can’t imagine how wonderful they would be baked properly. And I must apologize, because my picture doesn’t really do them justice. But trust me. These bars are so worth the calories. I will get the recipe in the trove shortly, but in the meantime you can find the original recipe here on this website. I did use plain seeded raspberry jam, and didn’t find the seeds to be too much, so if you don’t have seedless, go for the seeded, they’ll be fine. I also doubled the recipe and had a little trouble with the baking…so make sure you adjust accordingly. Be sure and follow the directions specifically- they are a little different proceduraly, but well worth it.

That’s all for tonight. Us big girls need our beauty sleep too. 🙂 I’m not sure what we have on tap for tomorrow… but I’m on a roll with keeping up the posting, so I’ll try to come up with a little something.

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