Today as I was baking up some zucchini bread, I was thinking about this poetic post I was going to do today. Sort of an “ode to zucchini bread.” Anyone who reads my blog knows about my penchance for quick breads. LOVE THEM. There is nothing on the planet that makes my heart sing like a good quick bread (or a piece of cake-closely related).

Anyway, I am still working away at the monster zucchini I picked up, and thought that today would be perfect for baking some zucchini breads. So I made up a pair of loaves of my chocolate chip zucchini bread, and am now baking up some chocolate zucchini breads. My house smells fantastic. I still have enough zucchini for at least one more loaf, and of course I have run out of flour. I’ve already been to the store once today, so I guess I’m just going to call it a day for baking breads. Maybe tomorrow. I also found a couple of very interesting new quick breads to give a try, so stay tuned for those, maybe in the next few days I’ll get those done too.

The chocolate zucchini bread recipe is on this old blog post. But I’ll also get it into the Recipe Trove today. And here is the recipe for Mom’s Zucchini Bread.

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