Trick-or-Treating was more fun today than I expected. Once Zander realized what happened when he held onto that plastic pumpkin and said “trick-or-treat” with his big sister…he was all over the experience. It was so cold tonight, so I hadn’t planned on going very far, but we certainly didn’t need to. Our neighborhood is very generous. I mean, literally, people were giving the kids HANDFULS of candy. And not the cheap kiddie mix- in fact, I don’t think there’s a single Tootsie Roll in there. I took my two biggest rubbermaid containers and labelled one for each of them- and they are packed with premium candy. Can we say a sugar buzz that will last well into Christmas?! Mr. Ninja’s certainly buzzing now!

Anyway, here is a picture of the two of them being silly for the camera. While we were making the rounds, I left a bowl on the porch with a note for everyone to help themselves to two pieces of candy. This actually worked quite well. But when we got back, Abigail wanted to hand it out herself, so I set her up on the porch with some hot chocolate, and she had a blast. She was very generous herself to the visitors. Although not quite enough… we have quite a bit leftover.

And that was our Halloween night. Once trick-or-treating time was over, we rushed over to Grandma’s to say hello and show off the costumes. Right now, Andy is having Zander run laps up and down the stairs while Abigail is practically asleep on the couch watching Tom&Jerry.

Tomorrow I will be posting about a breakfast item that I have never eaten before…

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