Honest, I am. I’ve been spending a bit of time fighting off a virus the last few days. So there hasn’t been much cooking, definitely not much eating, and well, I don’t think that me lying on the couch in a semi-comatose state is very interesting writing or reading.

What we have had though is quite a bit of snow that is making my little snow-bugs jump for joy. We could still use more though. Abigail keeps asking to go sledding, and our hill just hasn’t had any snow yet. Hopefully it will keep up a bit tonight so that tomorrow may be the day.

Other than that… there just isn’t much to tell. Andy is still not working, and up until now he’s had a project to work on, so we’re going to have to come up with something for him to do quick! Although we do have some shopping to do this week because our little Zander-Man is turning the big 3 on Saturday, and has requested the presence of Thomas. Yeah… lucky me, a raspberry cake that looks like Thomas the Tank Engine. I think I’m going to end up channeling a bit of my inner Sandra Lee (hey, there’s gotta be some in there somewhere!) and make a raspberry poke cake. As to making it look like Thomas? Yikes! I’m hoping he lets me get away with making a trainyard on a flat cake and putting some of his trains on it. We’ll see. Saturday night I will try and post the round-up of birthday festivities. Wednesday I have a rant and a weigh-in with promising results since I haven’t been feeling the best. So stay tuned! I’ll be back tomorrow.

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