Happy 4th of July all! Last night we shared our little fireworks display with some close friends, and had a good time visiting. To me 4th of July is about connecting with friends and celebrating the good things in life and the wonders of living in a country where we are free to celebrate as we please. This year it seems to have a little special meaning as a dear friend is traveling this weekend visiting with family and friends before heading to Iraq. While he is there he will be helping a people gain the same freedoms that we take for granted every day. Not only will he be serving his country, he will be serving his God as he shares his testimony with anyone who will listen. Whether that be fellow soldiers or the Iraqi people, he will share. Have you been thinking of a friend that you have lost touch with? This is the perfect holiday to catch up and share a story. Even a quick note of “Been thinking of you” can cheer the lowliest spirit. Most importantly, have a safe and happy holiday, and remember to give a prayer and a thought to those overseas fighting for freedom who are unable to celebrate with us.

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