And you can read all about the new way to eat broccoli today over at Kids Cuisine, rather than repeat myself here. 🙂

In other veggie news this morning, my garden is doing great! Last year my garden really limped along, but this year we added some compost from some very generous friends and it’s really taken off. So far we’ve been enjoying radishes, and the romaine is just starting to be pickable, so there will be many lettuce salads in the near future. Last night we had tostadas for dinner, and Abigail was so excited to top hers with “delicious lettuce from the garden.” Gotta love that. The cucumbers, melons, and zucchini plants all look amazing as well! I just hope we have enough critters in the area to do the pollinating. I’m also thrilled that it’s June 6th- just 10 days away from the opening of the Farmer’s Market!

When I cut the first tops off my radishes, I looked at those useless tops and thought it was a shame to put them in the garbage. So I grabbed a small bucket and a plastic bag and tucked them under my kitchen sink for produce scraps. I’ve been talking and talking about composting, and thought I should at least give it a try. I wanted to know how long I could put scraps in this bucket before it started really stinking up the kitchen. Well, it’s been about 10 days now, and my bucket is full, and there is still no odor. I was told this would be the case, but didn’t really believe it. This weekend Andy will be building a small bin for the backyard as I’ve started working on my second compost bucket and the stuff needs a place to go. What I’ve put in the compost has strictly been veggie and fruit scraps and coffee grounds. It’s rather exciting to watch the compost bucket fill up rather than dump the scraps down the disposal or into the garbage.

Today begins the madness that is Abigail’s dance recital week. It’s a pretty big deal for us as it’s her first, and we have pictures and dress rehearsals and my crazy husband has volunteered to do quite a bit of set up, so we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. The last day of school is Friday, and I’m hoping to celebrate with a really good whole grain M&M cookie here, so stay tuned!

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