Well, I think I’m mostly well. I’m still a little lightheaded, but for the most part, I think I’ll be able to function normally today. Yikes. And this was just a cold! I sure hope the flu stays away this year… speaking of colds this morning, if you consider yourself a praying person, please think of my little niece this morning. She is not quite 4 months old and is in the hospital being observed for RSV and is pretty miserable. So say a few prayers for Cori to be well enough to go home please!

Anyway, watch this space! Now that I’m feeling a bit better, I’m hoping to get around to baking up something that I’ve been meaning to bake up for a few days now… I’m going to try my hardest to get at that today after I do a little sterilizing of the home here… so stay tuned!

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