
This morning, Zander and I went to church to do my weekly cleaning. Now, I know there has been at least one mouse who has taken up residence in our church. I clean every week and am frequently taking care of the tiny droppings. Andy has put out those sticky traps to no avail. Now while there have been several reports of mice sightings- I never saw one, and never worried about it really. Until today.

Today I met my nemesis.

And I am afraid of mice! I opened up the closet door to retrieve my cleaning suppplies, and there he was. Sitting right on top of the vaccum! He turned and glared at me with those nasty little beady eyes, and twitched his whiskers at me!!! Of course, like any sane person I screamed bloody murder and slammed the door. Then I grabbed Zander who had followed me in and we ran to the other side of the church, as if that mouse would have swallowed up my precious boy had I left him in the room. Ugh. I get the shivers just thinking about it. It was so, so icky and creepy. Blech. I had made up my mind to call Andy and tell him that he was cleaning the church on Saturday, because I simply could not go back to that closet. Well, Pastor Mark chose that moment to show up at church, and while he is not fond of mice himself, he was kind enough to retreive the vaccum for me so that I could finish my cleaning. But let me tell you, I avoided the ladies bathroom and that dreaded closet like it contained the plague! Andy IS going to have to clean the bathroom and closet- and by golly that mouse had better be out of there ASAP- because I don’t think I can stomach being in the same building as that horrible twitchy creature!!!!

So today I am overwhelmed with an urge to clean my house and wash my hands 800 times- and will take a very long hot shower this evening. I doubt I will do much cooking at all today. Maybe tomorrow I will feel a little cleaner and ready to tackle a delicious new project!

2 thoughts on “Turns out, I am seriously afraid of…

  1. LOL!!! MICE ARE SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! :D:D:D You know, Rachel had one run across her face one time when we were playing hide and seek in the garden. I’ll never forget the sound she made…

  2. Oh, that happened to me when the youth group I was working with cleaned the church. I was trapped in the closet with a teen swinging a shovel at said mouse. (for some reason there was a shovel in there) We didn’t kill the mouse, but I had to grab the shovel before the kid gave someone a concussion. We threw out the bedding the mouse was living in, and he left.

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