I feel like a bad food blogger. 🙂  Here it is, just ten days out from Christmas, and I feel like I should be sharing recipe after recipe for Christmas cookies and candies.  Except that I’ve barely made any myself.  Part of it is that I guess we’ve been unexpectedly more busy than planned.  But part of it is also restraint on my part.  See, what usually happens, is every year I make scads and scads of cookies and candies and goodies and such, and then we share a few plates over Christmas and New Years, but ultimately, it comes down to my small family and mountains of sugar-laden treats.  And we end up just plain sick of them, yet we feel bad throwing them out, so come March, we’re still choking down the Christmas cookies.  Of course, it’s not just us either, because as we share plate after plate of cookies, those plates are met with groans from the recipient and mutters about waistlines and calories, and well, this year I’ve just decided to take it easy.  Oh there will be a cookie plate or two, but they will be modest.  Some candy is going out to a few very lucky recipients.  Sadly, it looks like the truffles may be set aside this year… I just don’t know when I’ll find the time for that process.  But overall, I think we’ll be much happier come the end of January.

That being said though, this past weekend I was lucky enough to attend a cookie exchange where a great time was had by all.  We spent time sharing recipes and cookies and sharing our plans for the holidays to come.  It is always fun to get together with a handful of people for the common purpose of baking and eating.   For my part, I brought a slice and bake cookie that turned out okay- although not as good as I’d anticipated, and a rather remarkable no-cook bar cookie.

The original recipe for this creature came from Anna at Cookie Madness.  She made a small batch of cookies- one dozen to be specific several years ago, actually, and I tried them and thought them fantastic.  Made with butterscotch chips, peanut butter and corn flakes, the end result has the flavor of a Butterfinger bar, but with a very satisfying chewy texture.  Ever since I made them, I’ve had it in the back of my mind to turn them into a bar cookie- much like a Rice Krispie Treat.  So I did just that.  I scaled the recipe by ridiculous amounts, mixed it up, and pressed it into a baking sheet.  After it had set, the moment of truth came when I cut the mixture into squares and was rewarded with a perfect nibble, which only needed some gilding.  That was accomplished with a quick dip in some dark chocolate, and just like that, I had a really delicious nibble which I’ve named Butterscotch Nuggets.  Since I shared these with my cookie exchange group, it seems I’m going to need to make another pan of them because my family LOVES these, and the ones I’d brought back home with me have pretty much vanished.

By the way, if you’re in search of something else to make up for your holiday baking spree, you can always check out my Holiday Goodies category and see what else I usually find myself making up.

Butterscotch Nuggets

10 Tablespoons butter (1 stick, plus 2 tablespoons)
10 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/4 cups light corn syrup
2 1/2 cups butterscotch chips
1 2/3 cups creamy peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
10 cups corn flakes
1 block of dark dipping chocolate


Line an 18×13-inch baking sheet with waxed paper.  Place corn flakes in a large mixing bowl.

Place butter, sugar and corn syrup in a medium sized microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for about 3 minute or until bubbly. Stir to dissolve sugar.  Cook for additional time if needed, in 1 minute increments, until sugar is dissolved.  Quickly stir in butterscotch chips and stir until chips are melted. Stir in peanut butter and vanilla and stir until smooth. Pour mixture into the cornflakes, and stir well to coat all.

Working quickly, pour the corn flake mixture into the prepared baking sheet, and with wet hands, press the mixture firmly into the pan.

Set aside until firm.  Flip the slab out onto a cutting board and remove the waxed paper.  Cut it into small squares.  Melt the dark dipping chocolate, dip the tops of the nuggets into chocolate and set on a waxed paper sheet until the chocolate is set.

Makes about 80 nuggets, depending on the size of your cut.

4 thoughts on “An Extremely Easy Addition To Your Cookie Parade

  1. Those look delicious! I’ve tried to make a few Butterfinger-type recipes lately and they’ve been a flop. Dare I try another one? Maybe.

  2. Tracy, I’ve had some really bad ones recently too. I don’t know if they were user error or what, but one in particular was particularly awful. What I like about this one is it’s basically no-cook, so there’s no chance of burning, and it’s easy, so if it hadn’t turned out, it wouldn’t have been a huge waste of time.

    I have to make another pan for us… the entire family is smitten.

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