So two days ago, I saw a recipe on Serious Eats that completely intrigued me.  I’ve been keeping my eye out for a recipe for Red Beans and Rice to try, and this one really stuck out.  I loved the picture of it, and while it was on my mind to make, I was missing a few of the ingredients, specifically, some coconut milk and a jalapeno.  Well, yesterday I went grocery shopping after tending to un-well kids for a few days, and all these blog recipes that I had seen were scrolling through my brain.  It was not a budget friendly shopping trip, as I would see an ingredient and think “Oh, I saw a recipe that uses that!” And then that thing would go into my cart. Let’s just say that I think I’ll have some interesting recipes coming up here on the blog. Provided, of course, that I can remember all the recipes that go with all my mystery ingredients!

But back to the beans and rice.  Last night was taco night, and I wanted some beans or rice to accompany, so why not combine them and try a new recipe?  I remembered to pick up the coconut milk, but forgot the jalapeno.  Instead, I used some finely chopped bell pepper and a dash of crushed red pepper flake for heat.  The overall dish was really easy to put together, it was really a throw-it-all-in-the-pot-and-let-it-cook-by-itself kind of recipe.   I feel I have to admit here that as it was simmering, I would stir it from time to time, and the smell just wasn’t convincing me that I’d like it.  I was prepared for that possibility, as this was a savory dish that used coconut milk.  Last summer, I had made a completely inedible dish using coconut milk, yet I was determined to try it again.  Millions of people worldwide use coconut milk everyday for something not sweet, surely I can find something I like it in that’s not sweet!

Well, my overall review of this West Indian Rice and Beans is that it was good.  The coconut, thankfully was not very pronounced,but it was still there, and I could taste it and not appreciate it.  Were I to try this again, I would leave out the coconut milk altogether and just use more veggie broth.  But then that would completely change the dish, I suppose.  Andy and I both found that a few dashes of Tapatio hot sauce really brought around the rice and beans to something a little better than good.   But overall, I don’t think this will be a repeater for us.  It gets great points for being quick and easy,and I think if you have no problems with savory coconut milk that this dish would be very good for you.  It just wasn’t for me.  I won’t share the recipe here, as the links above will take you to the recipe on both Serious Eats and Epicurious.

Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing something completely different than anything I’ve ever made in my kitchen… Say cheese!


2 thoughts on “A Variation of Red Beans and Rice

  1. Helene, I would consider adding more beans if you’re a bean fan. The recipe calls for a 15 ounce can of beans, and I would seriously think about using the larger 24 ounce can of beans, because it end up being more rice than beans.

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