I’ve been rolling around a small dilemma in my head this week about this blog, and I can’t come to a good conclusion- I keep changing my mind.  So I thought, who better to ask than the lovely people who keep coming back to read my blog!

Here is the situation.  Over the past few weeks, my inbox has been flooded with requests for me to review products.  In most cases, a free sample is offered, which they would be willing to ship to me for nothing.  Part of me is flattered that they want me to review products, but part of me is wondering if that’s such a great idea.  My thinking is that if I’m getting something for nothing, it’s already going to be a favorable review, at least a little bit.  And for some things, things that I would use anyway, I don’t have a problem accepting a sample and reviewing it accordingly. Usually, I just turn the product down, to be honest.  Almost all of the product and cookbook reviews you’ve seen here on Tummy Treasure have been genuine- I saw the product, bought the product, and used the product.

Meaning, that I am invested in the product.  I have spent the same hard-earned money that I’m telling you it’s worth spending on these products and books.  But I’m wondering if you, my internet friends, have an opinion one way or another on me accepting product to review.  Do you even care?  Or do you care a lot?  Would a little disclaimer with all the product reviews help- stating whether I bought this product or it was given to me?  Are you a blogger with a standard policy? I’d love to know that too.  So dish with me today- what do you really think?

10 thoughts on “I Need To Know What YOU Think!

  1. I’ve accepted products for review (as well as items I purchase on my own), and try to make sure I state that they were sent to me in the review. I think if you are upfront about it, and write an honest review it’s ok to do them. I only accept products that I am fairly certain we will enjoy and I can see myself purchasing and using. You have to figure out what works for you, and then use the same policy on all reviews.

  2. Since I blog for food I try to limit my product reviews. I accepted to review See’s Candies because I believe in the cie and they are delicious. In the future I will accept products that my family will like and people can discover them.

  3. When people ask me if I want something, I make it clear that I will only give honest reviews and if they want to send it on, I would be interested. In the current economy I have no problem with using it as a way to try new stuff. HOWEVER, I have found my biggest problem is just getting around to reviewing the darn stuff!

  4. Honestly, I don’t see a problem with it as long as you’re honest about what you thought. If you know that you wouldn’t like the produce, I don’t see a reason to accept the offer…however, if you think there is a possibility of liking or using it in the future, go for it!

  5. I think as long as you can offer an honest review there would be no problem. In fact, I’d like to read reviews because it may sway my buying one way or the other. As long as you don’t feel obligated to give it a favorable review if you truly disliked it…and I don’t think that would happen. I say go for it and enjoy trying some new things as long as you don’t mind investing the time in writing reviews, good and bad!

  6. I really appreciate all of these comments, so thank you. It may seem like a silly thing, but you know, I have to keep you all in mind as I think about these things. 😉

  7. You should take anything that strikes your fancy, even if you don’t think it’s going to be good. Be completely honest and if it sucks, it sucks, just support your argument.
    I’ve had a few candy people object to some things I’ve written or in one case a graphic I used, but you don’t work for them, you’re a cheap source of free advertising.
    Go for it.

  8. Lol, I love it. If it sucks, it sucks. 🙂 You are right about the free advertising… I wonder how successful blog advertising has actually been in that regards. Are these companies seeing an increase in revenue at all? They must, or they wouldn’t continue sending the stuff out.

  9. I bet they are, I recently put up a counter and that widget that shows where people are from and what they’re looking for, and people are hunting down products like Cow Pies or Badger Claws or RR1 Popcorn or Clasen’s or linking to Racine Kringle and the like.

  10. I agree with Patsyk and Laura. As long as you’re upfront to both the company and your blog readers about it being a review and being honest about it, I don’t see a problem with it. I think it’s awesome that you’re being contacted by people to review their stuff!

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