Am I the coolest Mom ever or what?


These handsome little Bunny Racers are what Zander is taking to preschool today for their Easter celebration.  Yes, it is pretty much 100% sugar, but hey, I’m not helping out today. 😉

Sure wish I could claim the credit for the idea though, these guys are really cute!  I found the instructions on Recipezaar yesterday when I decided I didn’t want to make plain old cupcakes or cookies.  Basically, what you see is an unwrapped Swiss Cake Roll.  The seat backs are a gummy peach ring, cut in half and attached with frosting.  The wheels are Sprees from the movie theater box of Sprees (the rolls would be much too big), and the steering wheel is a gummy saver.  Everything has been attached with frosting, and the Peeps have had their bottoms slightly trimmed to fit the shape of the cake roll.

We had to go on a bit of a mission to find the bunnies, but still. I think these are totally cute and fun.  The kids are going to love them!


6 thoughts on “Hey Baby, Check Out My Low-Rider

  1. Too Cute! Those poor moms… hopefully Miss Rosie will wait until the end of the day to let the kids indulge. 😉

  2. What a great idea…yours came out so adorable.
    That is certainly going to get you brownie points among the classmates!!!

  3. That’s really cute! My brother would have liked it when he was in high school…totally ate swiss rolls ALL the time!

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