I’ve been rather uninspired lately in the kitchen.  I haven’t felt much like cooking, and the things that have interested me just have not been possible due to restrictions on the budget.  So my apologies to my readers as I try to shake off this funk and get back into a delicious frame of mind.

This may help though.


One of the things that I didn’t get out of the garden last fall was a patch of scallions.  They don’t keep very long in the fridge, so once it got cold enough, I just assumed they were gone and left them alone, figuring they’d die over winter and I would clean up this spring.  Well, they didn’t die! In fact, they wintered over beautifully and have sprung back to life completely!  Ah!  A little research has told me that most likely, these scallions will just try to go to seed, but in the meantime- it’s something fresh and delicious from the garden to eat!!


Last night I made a simple pork roast and decided on potato pancakes to accompany.  Instead of regular onions though, I went out to the garden and pulled up a few scallions, as well as some fresh thyme from my thyme plant that successfully wintered over as well.  Just going out and picking those things were like a soothing balm.  I got excited about cooking something for the first time in a few weeks.   I chopped the scallions and slipped them into my batter, and I stripped the thyme leaves and threw them in as well, along with a very healthy grinding of black pepper.  It was a revelation! They were simply topped with butter, and they were so delicious.  I added three scallions for half a batch, since the kids don’t like potato pancakes, but I daresay another one would have been ideal. They were bright and fresh tasting, and I think as the fresh produce starts to return, my mojo will return as well.

What do you do to get out of a cooking funk? Do you ever have cooking funks?


Potato Pancakes

from Betty Crocker’s New Cookbook

4 medium potatoes
4 large eggs, beaten
1 small onion, finely chopped (about 1/4 cup)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
vegetable oil for cooking

Wash, peel, and shred potatoes. Place them in a colander and rinse them off. Pat dry.

Mix potatoes, eggs, onions, flour and salt together in a mixing bowl. Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet or griddle.

Pour about 1/4 cup of batter into the skillet for each pancake. Flatten and spread out with a spatula if necessary to evenly distribute the pancakes.

Cook for about 4 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Keep warm in a 200º oven while cooking the remaining pancakes. Serve warm with butter, sour cream, and applesauce.

4 thoughts on “I’ll Just Say It

  1. It is so nice when you can have your own scallions…this potato pancakes look terrific. And I am sure that is very yummie!

  2. I’m in a cooking funk since I am trying to cut my spending, food shopping is not real fun. I was never extravagant at all, but man I don’t like watching the costs… passing on my favorite FAGE yogurt etc. It seems that I am eating more of the same stuff and not trying new recipes. Have to work on that since its getting very dull.

  3. Who does want to be inside in this weather? Those pancakes look so very good. I hate to say it, but I just pick them up at one of the Copps when I get the urge. Something about weekends and potato pancakes.
    Your scallions look great!

  4. Juliana, we’ve been using those scallions all week… I’m afraid my patch isn’t going to last very long.

    Betsy, a purposely induced cooking funk is not my favorite either, however, I do find that trying to get creative with little can be isnpiring. I love pulling out old church cookbooks, going through the low-budget recipes on Recipezaar and picking up some older cookbooks from the library to find some classic comfort that costs little. We’ve discovered many of our favorites that way- so don’t lose heart! You can save money AND eat well!

    Jeanna, I’m sure the weather isn’t helping in the least. I took a few days and just sat on the patio with a magazine and a mug of chai. It was fantastic!

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