That’s me today. 🙂 I had my first ever parent-teacher conferences today. While I did expect good reports about Abigail, I didn’t expect them to glow! She is doing extremely well with everything, and is surpassing the other kids in class academically! She has been chosen to participate in an extra math class where she will be doing advanced math two days a week. While other kids in her class are still working on counting and number recognition, Abigail can add up to ten and do problem solving! Reading wise they break up reading and writing into 8 levels, and she is at level 5- which they don’t expect from kindergarteners until much later in the school year. Yup. My little girl is a genius. 🙂 🙂 🙂

We have also agreed that Abigail will be bringing home extra homework every other weekend, and she is looking forward to that. This was a very short conference. They tols me how she’s doing, and of course there were no concerns or problems, so we wrapped it up quickly. I can certainly handle conferences like that.

Well, I’m off to the kitchen, Thnaksgiving is in two days, and on today’s schedule is corn muffins, stuffing, and carrot cake. So I had best get busy. 🙂

1 thought on “A proud Mommy

  1. Fabulous! She’s taking after me already! 🙂 I posted a comment on my blog for you–check it out. Love you! HAPPY VACATION TO ME!!!

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