My son has officially completed Pre-Kindergarten.   It’s amazing to see  how far he has progressed in just one year, and I think it’s a testament to the wonderful teacher he had.  Not only did his social skills bloom and blossom, but along the way, he also has learned to read, and is reading well at a third grade level! And they don’t even teach actual reading, it’s just something he picked up!

Anyway, it’s a proud momma moment, and we’re really looking forward to the next adventure, which I’ll be able to talk more about in just a few weeks.


4 thoughts on “The Graduate

  1. Congratulations to your gorgeous son and to you too Mommy…This is so exciting. Mine is now 15 and oh how I miss those days. I wish they would stay small and cuddly forever!

  2. Oh Susan, please tell me they at least stay cuddly! My Zander snuggles are the best thing ever.

    Thanks Claire, next thing you know I’ll be posting his graduation photo from med school! 😉

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