Yesterday was our weekly dance day, with us being out late, and getting in to a late dinner.  We’re pretty much out of soup season, as the last soup I made last week was really not happily received by my family.  They’re just done with soup.   I drew a complete blank as to what I could prepare ahead of time or throw in the crock-pot.  And in fact, I was really leaning towards a drive thru dinner, where the kids could eat in the van on the way home, and then Andy and I would find something to make at home- like eggs or something.

I decided to grab my Pillsbury Slow Cooker Recipes off the shelf and flip through it.  As I flipped, nothing really called to me or spoke to me, or screamed out “make me, make me!”  But I was getting an idea that I would throw something into the crock-pot.  When I got to the section on sandwiches, I almost just gave up, because I’ve mentioned before, other than the occasional sloppy joe or burger, the kids aren’t into sandwiches much.  Then I saw the barbecued beef.  I read through the recipe and it totally intrigued me.  Ketchup?  Cola? Horseradish? How could this possibly taste?  And well, I had to try it.

So we ran to the store to get the beef, and I ended up with chuck roast instead of round steak.   The ingredients were assembled, and when we walked in the door from dance class, we were greeted by a fantastic smell.  We sat down to our sandwiches and were pleasantly surprised with how flavorful this barbecued beef was.  It was very tasty, and add that to how easy it was to throw together, and you have a winning recipe.  As written, this recipe makes a lot of sauce, and is just a touch on the sweet side.  I did use Pepsi as my cola, but couldn’t help but wonder if Coke wouldn’t have been the better choice.  As we wrapped up the leftovers, we left a great deal of fat behind in the pot, which I have no doubt is from my choice to use chuck roast as the beef in the recipe.  I think that probably made the whole thing taste even better- just be warned that if you use chuck roast, it may be a bit on the fatty side.

Easy Barbecued Beef Sandwiches

Yield: 24 sandwiches

Prep time: 15 minutes (Ready in 6 hours, 35 minutes)

4 pounds boneless beef round steak, trimmed of fat, cut into pieces
2 cups ketchup
1 cup cola-flavored carbonated beverage
1 tablespoon prepared horseradish
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
24 sandwich buns, split


Arrange beef in a 3 1/2 to 4 quart slow cooker.  Add all the remaining ingredients, except buns.  Mix well.

Cover.  Cook on high setting for 5 to 6 hours.

About 30 minutes before serving, shred the beef with 2 forks- remove it from the pot if needed to do this, then slide it back into the juices.

With a slotted spoon, spoon about 1/3 cup beef mixture into each bun. Mixture can be kept warm for several hours on low setting.

9 thoughts on “Crockpot Salvation

  1. I have this book and I love it! You make me think of tough times ahead when my baby is multiplied by 3 or more and they are grown up and want a good meal. I hope I can be on top of it like you. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind adding me to your bloglist. I would be so flattered if you would consider adding me to the list of food blogs. Thank you so much!

  2. Helene, I thought it was even better the next day as leftovers- it definitely will get repeated.

    Kasha, I’ve had pretty good success with this book, actually. I will add you to the blogroll when I have a few spare moments to tweak… I’ve been terribly busy!

  3. Mmmmm! I love any kind of meat with BBQ in the crock pot. I think I will do up some chicken next week, thanks for the reminder! :0)

  4. I have a crockpot and can you believe never used it? Now you inspired me to use…nice meal! My husband will love the BBQ beef.

  5. Cola, I had not heard of that. I made a roast on a whim late last night, put it in the croc pot and took it out early this morning or I guess that was yesterday morning.
    I’m thinking of calling it the “One More Thing For Old People to Beef About Roast.” “Beef Roast” for short.
    Needless to say, my parents do not enjoy slow cooked sale meat from Cubs.

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