Summer is finally here in our neck of the woods! And while it’s overcast and a bit cloudy today, Saturday it was absolutely gorgeous outside.   We pulled out the pool for the kids, loaded it up with water, and they were playing in it by 10:30 in the morning.  It wasn’t until about 2:00 in the afternoon that I realized that they’d been playing in the hot sun all day, and that perhaps I should douse them with sunscreen.

Um, yeah.  Don’t forget to smear sunscreen on your beauties as they enjoy the summer sun.  Some sunshine exposure is excellent for your health- in fact, the experts say that 20 minutes of sun exposure  will produce more than enough vitamin D for optimum health- but sunscreens of 8 or higher will block that wonderful vitamin from getting through.

On those rare instances though where you forget the sunscreen, let me just give a little shout out to this wonderful product!

sunburn gel

Ocean Potions Instant Burn Relief ICE has been wonderful for helping my little lobsters feel a little less like they are in pain.  It’s basically aloe vera gel- which is important for getting moisture back into that burned skin- with a hint of tea tree extract and lidocaine, which soothes the burn pain almost instantly.   And according to my kids, it works wonderfully!

Of course, you’re going to do a much better job at keeping those sunburns off your children and not need this product- right?

1 thought on “A Friendly Monday Morning Reminder…

  1. Ouch! I had the same issue last weekend when we took the nephews camping and although the sun was only out for an hour or two – we all got a little burned due to the higher elevations we were at. i am definately going to search Oceans Potions this out for my next roast & toast of skin that always seems tohappen.


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