Because that’s totally what they are.   And they are delicious and completely unexpected.

Over the fourth of July weekend, my aunt made some absolutely delicious sticky buns that started with frozen dinner roll balls.  I still need to get the recipe from her, but apparently my mom did, because when I dropped off some fresh blueberries for her, she gave me a dozen of the frozen dinner roll dough balls and told me to do something with them.  Huh.  Frozen dinner roll dough, fresh blueberries?  Surely there was a way to do something with both.  The answer to that is yes, yes there is.

I started by making a blueberry sauce.

  • 3 cups blueberries
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine ingredients in a sauce pot over medium heat.  Cook and stir for about 20 minutes, or until slightly thickened and some of the blueberries have burst.  Set aside to cool for about 15 minutes- or use to top ice cream.

Then I poured this sauce into a 9 x 13 baking dish.  No cooking spray necessary either.

blueberry sauce

Into this sauce I nestled 12 frozen dinner roll dough balls, and then I covered the pan and set it in the fridge overnight for the dough to thaw and rise.

buns in sauce

The next day, I preheated my oven to 375ºF, and then I went back and forth on whether or not to cover my risen dough in blueberry sauce with foil before baking.  In the end, I decided against it, and popped it in the oven to bake.  To be completely honest, I can’t tell you exactly how long these were in the oven.  I would say somewhere around 30 minutes, but give it a peek at 20 just to be on the safe side.  When they’re done, they look like this:

baked buns

And now for the tricky part.  I grabbed a sheet pan and placed it on top of my pan of baked up buns.  Grabbed hold as best as I could with a towel, as the baking dish was still quite warm, and then flipped the whole thing over.  The blueberry buns slid right out onto the sheet pan, and this is what I experienced.


Oh my, oh my.  Deliciousness.  Zander ate three of these puppies all by himself.  Now, I would be lying here if I didn’t confess that I really, really wanted to add an icing drizzle to these.  Can’t you just see it?  A nice, white, cream cheese icing, dribbled over each roll…holy cow, I’m totally wishing I’d have done that.  But I didn’t, because these really were delicious all by themselves.  However, should I serve these to company, I would totally drizzle some icing.

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