I’m not sure I like this look.  It IS different, which is what I was going for, but… I’d love to know what you think- kudos and criticisms will all be carefully gone through.   I was going to go with a fallish look, but when push came to shove, I just was soooo not ready to see orange leaves.  Chocolate seemed an okay compromise.

5 thoughts on “Feedback Anyone?

  1. I like everything except the top header bar thingie (I am blanking on what that is called). I think there must be a better picture of chocolates out there and maybe a more fancy font for the blog name? However, I love the pink and brown look everywhere else. I hope that wasn’t too critical 🙂

    I know how you feel about getting ready for fall… I am contemplating pulling out my dark reddish purple purse in preparation for autumn 🙂

  2. I do like the colors…it’s so rich and inviting but I really couldn’t see the chocolates very well. I’ve thought about changing my door wreath recently but it’s still warm here (though cooler…83!!!). Maybe soon!

  3. I like the pink and the lighter brown, but the darker brown is kind of offsetting. It’s kind of a “sad” color, if that makes sense. Also, the chocolate that is running onto the “real” chocolate on the corner makes the chocolate theme less obvious because it is difficult to tell what it is.

  4. Okay, I decided I didn’t like the chocolate- it just didn’t fit…

    So I switched back to this one for now while I’m on the prowl.

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