So this week’s theme is “what can I cook with what I have on hand.” Of course, that theme happens a lot around here, but this week it’s particularly fitting because I want to save the grocery money for Thanksgiving deliciousness. I can’t believe it’s less than two weeks away- I have a menu to plan!
It’s a relatively easy week this week. We’re going to be tackling the schoolwork with extra gusto this week so that we can take some Thanksgiving time off without feeling like we’re behind when we get back to it. So this week’s menu reflects that. A lot of throw-together stuff this week- that intuitive cooking that I want to try and share more of around here. We get busy at the end of the week, hence the Saturday out- the kids will be thrilled to learn that we’ll be dining out that night at the establishment of their choice. (Read: which fast food place has the best toy right now.)
It’s busy weeks like this where I am so grateful to Laura at I’m An Organizing Junkie for her weekly Menu Planning Monday round-ups. Her faithful posting each week keeps me on my toes and keeps me planning away. I save so much money when I meal plan and at least attempt to stick with it. If you’ve been thinking about meal planning, spend some time checking out some of the 400+ menu planners over there every week. Surely, someone is bound to inspire your kitchen muse.
Here is the week ahead. I know, I’m missing the usual recipe links. Some of it is floating around in my head- I know the flavor profile I’m after, but we’ll see if I can translate that to the plate. Some of it I’m looking for a recipe for yet. It’ll all work out. If I find recipes, I’ll add the links.
Sunday: Cheddar Turkey-Wursts, Baked Beans, Doritos, Strawberries
Monday: Hamburger Soup, Homemade Bread
Tuesday: Sirloin and Mushrooms, Mashed Potatoes, Carrot Coins
Wednesday: Dijon Pork Stew, Biscuits
Thursday: Strata, Hashbrowns, Applesauce
Friday: Homemade Mac-N-Cheese, Peas, Apple-N-Celery Salad
Saturday: Out