Was totally the way to go!

It worked so well.   We made plates for the kids first and got them situated around the coffee table in the living room, and then all the adults made plates and found seats.  It was so nice.  Really, I think it worked better than a sit-down dinner because we weren’t passing around plate after plate of something.  We could pick and choose what we wanted to put on our plates without feeling like we just couldn’t let that plate pass by and trying just a little.   There was no pressure to try everything, no scramble to get the turkey, stuffing and potatoes before the gravy, and overall, I think it really was the way to go.  The only thing that would be better, I think would be to have two tables.  One to sit at, and a second to lay out the food buffet style.

Besides, with all this abundance, there really was no room for us to sit with the food anyway.

The feast

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