Of course, I say that with sarcasm, because I remedied the situation by being a good mom.  But still… The other day I looked at Zander’s chosen attire for the day.  Most of his pants, once again, are quickly treading into the grey area of almost being high waters.  How does this boy do that?  I swear to you, he got a whole bunch of new pants just before Christmas.   Below his pants were his shoes- looking really beat up.  I made a mental note that this boy needs new shoes.

So last night, we drop Abigail at dance and head to the store to pick up some rolls for sloppy joes and some shoes for Zander.  I pick up his shoe he just took off and saw that it was a size 12.  Okay, I pick up a size 13 off the rack.  Then I proceed to nearly mangle his foot beyond recognition trying to get it into the size 13.  Into the size 1 it went- they fit beautifully.  Sigh.  Six month old shoes were two sizes too small.   I wonder at what point he outgrew them, but it could have been two pants sizes ago- which was just a few months ago as well.

No wonder it seems like this boy is always eating!  He turns six next week…maybe he’ll slow down for a spell?

Oh, and by the way… my son has requested an R2-D2 cake.  Anyone remember my disasterous Star Wars cake from Abigail’s last birthday?  Help…

2 thoughts on “A Bad Mom Moment

  1. Wow! That second one IS amazing! Those photos make it look easy too…

    I’m thinking I may actually get away with a twist on Star Wars legos…

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