It’s avocado season.  And every year, about this time, as the football news is reaching it’s peak, it is confirmed in my mind that the NFL knew what it was doing when it scheduled the big game for this time of the year.  I just know they picked January and February because the avocados are at their best, and big football games must be accompanied by avocados in all their splendor.  Mainly, for me, that is a big ole bowl of guacamole, but sometimes I give that humble avocado a bit of a twist.  Specifically, in this case, I  made more of an Avocado Cream, which is a fabulous way to make an avocado multi-purpose.  You can use this stuff as a dip (which I did this time) or it makes an amazing sandwich spread- or I’ve even heard of it being used as the binder for potato salad.

Easy and quick, this is my favorite thing to do when it’s just me and one perfectly ready avocado.  If you don’t have green salsa you can use red salsa, but then your color will be affected, and the pretty green cream will actually look kind of murky and grey.  Everything can be adjusted to taste, of course, and if you are a cilantro hater, leave it out.  This very easily multiplies for a crowd- and if you press plastic wrap tight to the surface of this dip, the quantity of lime juice actually keeps this one green for a day or two.

Avocado Cream

1 avocado, seed removed
juice of 1/2 a lime
3 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons salsa verde
cilantro to taste
pinch of salt and pepper


Place the avocado flesh in a bowl and mash with a fork.  Add the remaining ingredients and stir together.  Use Avocado Cream as a dipper for chips, vegetables, or a spread on your favorite smoked turkey sandwich.

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