So Legos really saved me this year.

Zander really wanted the R2-D2 cake- and I thought about trying, I really did.  But I’m just not that confident in my cake making skills to pull that off.  I was thinking and thinking of what I could do for a cake when I decided I would cheat and go the route of using toys to decorate the cake.  Over the years, I’ve found this to be a spectacular idea, because not only does it make the cake look fun- but then the child gets the toys afterwards for playing with.

My original idea for a lego Star Wars cake was to use loaf pan size bricks of cake and make a tower of legos, and then decorate it with some of the lego people.  Well, when I started looking for the legos, I found that most places had the Star Wars Legos from the Hoth battle on The Empire Strikes Back.  This was very fortuitous for me- because Hoth means snow.  And all I really needed was some white frosting to be my snow, and I was in business.

The cake itself is nothing special- Zander wanted to pick out some mixes this year, so I let him do that and I really got by easy this year.  The difficult task of Lego assembly was easily tackled by Andy.  Zander loves his cake- and that’s what really matters.

He’s especially excited to have Han Solo on his Tauntaun, and while we’re all aware that the Empire clearly outnumbers the rebels on the cake- we figure the rebellion has the edge with that tower.

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