It’s Pancake Day!  I wasn’t sure if I was going to have something to post about this morning, but then I saw those words- Pancake Day and I just knew I would have to pop on here for just a second to tell you that if you haven’t tried my Easy Fluffy Pancakes, you are missing out!  I have made them three times since sharing them, and I just cannot believe how delicious and light and fluffy they are.

The last time I made them I added blueberries.  Since the batter is so airy and light, you don’t want to mix fruit right in, but it took no time at all to add a sprinkling of delicious berries to each pancake as it sat on the griddle.

They were like blueberry muffins in pancake form.

So do yourself a favor, and try these pancakes.  You will be so happy you did. Oh, and the optional vanilla?  I’ve decided it’s not optional, and if you have fake vanilla, you might want to bump it up to a full teaspoon.

Easy Fluffy Pancakes

1 1/2 cups milk
4 tablespoons white vinegar
2 cups all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Cooking spray for cooking pancakes


Combine the milk and the vinegar.  Stir, and set aside for five minutes.

In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  Whisk togetherto fully incorporate.

In a separate mixing bowl, beat your eggs, and then add in the sour milk, melted butter and the vanilla if using.  Whisk until fully blended.

Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir just a few times to mix the two together.  Use a light hand, and don’t stir down all the air bubbles- these are good- they’ll make the pancakes light and fluffy.  Set the mixture aside for 20-30 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare your griddle or cast iron pan by heating to 350ºF.  Spray the surface with cooking spray.  Using a gentle hand, scoop out the batter onto your griddle- using approximately 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake.  (Don’t be tempted to stir the batter before scooping it out- just go ahead and scoop your pancakes out- it will seem way too thick, but trust me, it works.)  Cook until bubbles start to appear on the surface, and then gently flip the pancakes and cook the second side for another minute or two. Remove to a plate and keep warm until serving.

1 thought on “Pancake Tuesday

  1. These pancakes are amazing. I’ve made them twice since you posted it. Thay are so good I’d hesitate to change, but wondering if some white whole wheat (maybe for 50% of the flour) would be. I wouldn’t want them to lose the fluffy texture etc. Hmm, wonder if I could tweak the butter. Ok, I’ll admmit it, just trying to find a way to eat them way tooooooo often. I highly recommend!!!

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