Well, they did it. 🙂 Rachel and Cody are now married. I am so unbelievably happy for them. It truly was a joyous occasion. I only was weepy a little bit today. Well, maybe a lot, but it was happy weepy. I had seen Rachel in her wedding dress before, but when I walked in and saw her getting ready today, I just started blubbering. Then Lizzie started blubbering too…then Rachie. Ah well. Kleenex was shared by all. 🙂 And now they are married. And I am EXHAUSTED.

I know this is the part you’ve been waiting for. And yes, I did it. I successfully catered a wedding. I made waaaay too much food, but other than that, it was very well received, and I feel great about that. I’ll tell you though, I could not have done it without Andy that’s for sure. He’s spent so much time over the last two days either helping me, or taking care of something with the kids so I could get something done. He was just wonderful. But would I do it again? I don’t know. I obviously have alot to learn about quantity. I was so worried about not having enough food for everyone. Lol. Silly me. I think that if I had a full kitchen with walk-in cooler at my disposal, I might think about a career in the catering business. I love to cook, and I love feeding people. The expressions on everyone’s face was sheer delight to me. Every time someone complimented me, they would just go on about how much they enjoyed the meal, and that’s what it was all about. It was about that uncle coming back for the third piece of cake or the delight on a little girl’s face as she pulled a fruit skewer out. That was why I did it today. I do know that I have my limits, but I think I would do it again if asked…

And with that, I will leave you with a series of pictures. And of course, they are all pictures of the food. I used my other camera (the one with real film) for the wedding pictures, so you’ll have to wait for those. But here is my wedding buffet, well part of it actually. The several crock pots did not get pictures taken, and the cheese and cracker station isn’t on here either, but that’s okay.

Kay, now I am off to find myself a big glass of wine, and I fully intend to curl up on the couch and watch the Olympics tonight. Have a great weekend, and congratulations Rachel and Cody!!!

6 thoughts on “Exhaustion!!!

  1. Watch the Olympics? You just won the gold in the best event of all — helping dear ones celebrate their wedding! Shed the tears, accept the congratulations – when you wake up tomorrow, you’ll STILL be the champion.

  2. Thanks for the kudos ladies! It really was fun to do, and the saving grace was definitely having a timeline. I was able to just flow from one thing to the next, and it went much smoother than I expected, actually.

    Still not sure I’d want to do it again though… 😉

  3. Wow, beautiful food porn! Found your blog via Culinary in the Desert. I’ll be back, as I love food 🙂

  4. Thanks Teresa! Stop by anytime. Although my pics don’t even come close to Culinary In The Desert…

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