
The ants are at it again.  Only this time, we are fortunate that our ants are the kind that only come out at night.   These are far preferable to those horrible tiny ants we have had in a previous home that literally got in every food item in the pantry.

We are also fortunate that we have a fix for them.  A bit of honey mixed with borax gets eaten up and taken back to the nest to share with kin.  The borax will kill the nest and there will be no more ants.

But this does take time.  And since Andy got up in the middle of the night a few days ago and found them literally swarming all over the kitchen counter, the idea of cooking in that kitchen is totally grossing me out.

So the kitchen is closed for a few days.  I have not been ignoring the blog, and in fact had planned a few things, but I just can’t cook while the invasion is underway.

I’m sure you understand.  🙂

1 thought on “The Smallest Creature…

  1. Ugh…I had ants again too…in a different apartment! I could NOT get rid of them, battled for a month. Eventually, they were getting worse and I noticed an unpleasant smell. Turns out there was a massive drainage problem. My dishwasher and baseboards had to be taken out with a hole cut in my wall (thankfully in the pantry area, hidden) to fix it. At that time, so thankful that I live in an apartment and maintenance will take care of things like that!!!

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