Well, today I got around to making that Ciabatta. It turned out pretty good. The crust is extremely crispy on both the top and the bottom, while the inside is extremely moist and tender. A very interesting bread. Of course, it will make a fabulous sandwich, but I am really thinking that I need to come up with a dipping oil for dipping, should I make this bread again. Of course, dipping yummy strips of crispy white bread into a spice-and-cheese laden olive oil may not be the best thing for my health consciousness, but it sure would taste good. Maybe for company sometime…

So today I did very well. I realize it’s not Weigh-In Wednesday, but I feel like I should be as accountable as I can, and if it helps me to sound out here…well, then I will do it. Zander went down for a late nap today, and I very nearly decided not to choose an exercise. But then I though about all the people checking in here…and that made me leave the dishes and head for the living room. I chose the workout I recorded yesterday, and it’s amazing how much more of a workout it was without the commercial time. I’m kind of looking forward to tackling it again tomorrow. My big problem at the moment though is that I am EXHAUSTED! Even yesterday, I was so tired, that I crawled into bed at 9:00. Here it is not quite 7:00 and I am yearning for my pillow. I am hopeful that my body will adjust with time to the extra I am asking of it, but I do wonder if I need to change something about my diet. Maybe add an extra protein? I’m thinking maybe some hummus and veggies mid-afternoon might help keep my energy up to finish the day without feeling like I have lead weights attached to my legs.

Now we’ll just see how I feel tomorrow…yesterday I only did one half hour of the full hour workout, and today I pushed it to 40 minutes without the commercials. There is one more segment that I didn’t get to, but I believe it is a jumprope segment, and I can hardly do that from the confines of my living room. I’m feeling a little tight in the abs and my chest right now, hopefully a good night of sleep won’t produce stiffness and tightness. I really want to get another day in before the weekend.

3 thoughts on “Ciabatta and a work out

  1. that’s great you got that exercise in, erika! good for you.

    I used to walk 4-5 miles per day (fast), but now I am seriously lucky if I get any exercise in ANY day. kate (8 months) is a terrible sleeper and julia (4) no longer naps and only has nursery school 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours.

    I hope to ramp up the exercise (somehow, not sure how) once the weather gets better.

    haha, well just after I was going on about how I am not baking and needed accountability, I went and BAKED COOKIES yesterday. oops! I controlled the damage fairly well, but I was definitely off plan as far as calories and food choices go.

    oh well, today will be on plan for sure.

  2. ha. well, I felt like a loser in that post (written at 5am when kate woke up). so when I finally got her to sleep at 6:30am, I went for a fast 45 minute walk outside (instead of going back to bed).

  3. Good for you Val! You are a much better person than I…Andy had a meeting today so got to stay home and get up with the kids, (usually about 6:50) well, when Abigail got up at 5:45 instead I yelled at her and then tossed and turned for another hour. The whole time thinking, I should just get up and do a workout or go for a walk.

    Then I chose a terrible breakfast of Un-Godly sweet pre-made oatmeal. Ack. Hopefully today gets better for me.

    And we all need cookies sometimes…

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