Last night was the first time in over two weeks that we were actually able to sit down as a family and enjoy dinner.  We celebrated the moment by grilling up some lamb blade steaks that I’ve had hiding in the freezer just waiting for a special occasion.  Oh, they were so good! I wish we could afford to have lamb more often! But the real star, was the sweet corn that we had that was freshly picked yesterday morning.  So sweet, the kernels were practically bursting from all that goodness.

We simply boiled them up, smeared them with melted butter, and then on a whim I sprinkled a bit of feta cheese on an ear.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Truly, one of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life.   I’m going for more sweet corn today. So, so simple to do- but that salty tang of the feta was the perfect thing to add to a buttery-sweet ear of corn. You must try it!

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