I’m in the mood to do an Iron Chef Challenge. Suggestions? Previous challenges have included: pumpkin, leeks, fennel, hard-boiled eggs, rice, and celery. My rules are that I must prepare 3 different dishes using that ingredient in different ways. It’s been a while since I took on a challenge, and since my apple-dipping is over, I really don’t have anything big to occupy my kitchen time. I’m very open to suggestions. I will happily take any and all suggestions under careful consideration before I select. I plan to do a little shopping tomorrow, so suggest away.

Other than that…today is a day of rest. I was going to do some shopping today, but I just don’t have the motivation. Andy is off today because of rain, and he is also not feeling very motivated. Abigail joined us in bed last night, and quality sleep suffered. What a bed hog. But at least she got some sleep. I am in the mood to cook something comforting for dinner tonight. I’m not quite sure where that craving will lead me. I’m also thinking about the many ingredients I have leftover from my apples. Then I’m also thinking about a fritter recipe I found the other day… so we’ll see what today brings. If I do anything exciting I’ll be sure and share. Until then though, someone Iron Chef me please!

3 thoughts on “Someone Challenge Me!

  1. capers are fun. =) or some sort of wierd cheese…like feta or riccota or even bleu…

    umm…if you need help disposing of leftover apple-coverings, i have been in the mood to bake lately, but can’t bring myself to spend money on the necessary sweets. =)

  2. Feta and ricotta and bleu cheese are hardly wierd at my house silly. 🙂 But I may consider the ricotta…

    As for the apple coverings- I don’t have anything that you would likely consider normal baking goodies. I have coconut and almonds and Whoppers and that’s about it. You are welcome to a box of Whoppers if I see you this week.

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