My kids birthdays, that is. 🙂 Yesterday Abigail woke us up nice and early, so excited for her birthday. And our great intentions of letting her open one gift and then waiting until after church for the rest, quickly went out the window. Of course, we didn’t realize that our newly crowned six year old would blitz through that wrapping in the blink of an eye. Overall though, she was thrilled with her gifts. Although somehow Zander has become quite attached to her purple hippo in a purse, so we are on the hunt for a hippo for him- sans the purse. We had a pretty relaxing day with the birthday girl. Later we headed over to my parents house where Abigail had requested spending her birthday dinner and cake time. She had a blast playing with her cousin Kara, and who knew that Grandpa’s gift of binoculars would win favorite status.

Andy made a simple dinner of ribs on the grill, and while I did appreciate not having to bake yesterday, it nearly broke my heart when my beautiful daughter requested a Princess birthday cake from Sam’s. At least they do make good cake. And we all know how much I love to eat cake… unfortunately for me, there is well over half her cake left. Andy will be taking some to work in his lunch, that’s for certain. But the true sign of a great birthday for Abigail was last night when she looked at me, tears welling up, “Mommy, I wish my birthday could last forever.” So I assured her that today would be spent enjoying her plunder.

And so today… it is my turn. My last birthday ever. This morning I woke up another year older, and just one year shy of 30. Scary. And of course, what birthday would be complete without a cold. I don’t feel so hot this morning. Runny nose, sneezy, slight sore throat, and a tightness in my chest. Isn’t that exciting!!! All I really want right now is to curl up on the couch with a good movie, a cup of tea, and some comfort food- cheesy grits come to mind immediately. But a promise is a promise, and I have a day fully planned for me, and it looks like we are starting with some Princess crafts. And if I can break away for a minute, I have a dozen kiwi that are ripening quickly, and are screaming to have something done with them. And what is that? You’ll see… I hope.

5 thoughts on “I love Birthdays

  1. Happy belated birthday to Abigail! Sounds like her day was wonderful.
    And happy birthday to you! 30’s not so bad, really! I’d love to go back and be 30 again.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  2. HAPPY Birthday!!! May this year be filled with laughter and happiness. 🙂

  3. Birthday Words of Wisdom:

    From my neighbor, 78 or so: Oh honey, it’s just a number. Me: then I pick 29. Again.

    Mae West: You’re never too old to become younger.

    A recent birthday card: Smart women make each birthday count. They just don’t count each birthday.

    Happy Day!!

  4. Thank you all for the well wishes. 🙂

    According to my Mom, she’s been celebrating 29 for years, and it still works for her. I do know it’s just a number… but it’s new… 29! Crazy. That’s as crazy as having a daughter who is 6!!!

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