Today was almost as big a deal as the first day of kindergarten. Today was the day Abigail began ballet class. Real ballet class. She’s been in love with Angelina Ballerina since she first saw her, and today she got her first taste of dance class. She loved it. Just loved it. I found an excellent dance school for her. They are extremely professional, people are driving from as far away as 60 miles to attend this school. Class was pretty intense for a first day- but it was fantastic how they wove the actual ballet steps in with having fun. Their number one goal is for the child to enjoy the class- but they also want the child to learn correctly. There were a few girls in class who obviously have been in dance before- and I confess, when class first started and I was watching Abigail it was like, “oh boy, she’s got a lot of catching up to do!” But she caught on so quickly, and by the end of class today she was doing her first and second positions like a pro. Third position is a little more tricky for her, she’ll have to practice a bit. She really liked doing the barre work though…

It was such a moment for Mommy. 🙂 As I’m sitting with Zander, watching the class, some of the other parents were busy chatting. I caught bits and pieces of different conversations. Several of them were talking about how cute so and so was, and how they are going to be just adorable at the recital. What? Is that why your child is in dance? As I watched Abigail flit and float, I knew she was learning something so valuable and wonderful. I could care less about whether she is cute or not, and what her costume is going to be for the recital. She’s learning how to dance! She’s learning ballet! And she loves it! That’s what matters to me, and I know it’s going to benefit her for forever. And so here’s a picture of my beauty all set for her class today. She can’t wait for next week. Tomorrow morning I’ll share a bit about dinner tonight, with dance class being during the dinner hour, Wednesday night dinners are going to be changed up a bit. I’ll share more about that tomorrow.

1 thought on “A big day in the life of a six year old

  1. Hey, Erika!

    I just happened upon your blog…I love to see little girls loving to be little ballerinas:) I remember being the same way! My husband and I recently started making portable ballet barres (in case you might be interested someday). Our site is if you are ever interested. I wish your daughter tons of joy and smiles as she dances:) Dance has brought me much joy throughout my life:)

    Kendra Parks

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