Well, today was the last official day of summer for us. Tomorrow morning Abigail begins the adventure known as First Grade. Yikes. So we thought we’d spend today totally enjoying each other’s company. After a breakfast of donuts, we all headed out to the park to play together. It was a perfect morning for it. Not too hot, not too cold, and perfectly sunny. It really was a lot of fun exploring and playing.

All around it was a nice day. The kids played wonderfully together. Dinner was simple stuffed peppers made with last night’s leftovers (I know! Leftovers!), so nothing exciting to report there. But after dinner we mentioned that it was a school night, and Zander burst into tears. “I don’t want Abigail to go to school! I’ll miss her! I want her to stay and play with me!” Oh break my heart, it was so gosh darn sweet. So tomorrow I’ll have to come up with something fun to do with Zander.

And of course, there was one thing that had to be done today. I couldn’t even think about sending my little girl to school tomorrow without sending along some love from home. So homemade sugar cookies it was. I made small ones that will fit perfectly in her new laptop lunch box. She can’t wait to put that thing to use! I also used some flannel Cinderella fabric to make some napkins for her lunchbox. I worry a tiny bit about that being over the edge in the land of Geek-dom. It’s one thing to become a Geek by yourself, and proudly wear the label, but it’s a whole other thing to be made a Geek by your mother. So hopefully, the cloth napkins won’t cross that boundary in first grade yet. They really are cute, and Abigail was very excited, so I guess we will see. Abigail made a special request for her lunch tomorrow, so I will prepare what she’s asked for, so come back for the first of many lunchbox editions of Tummy Treasure.

1 thought on “Happy Labor Day!

  1. Happy first day of 1st grade, Abigail! I hope you had a fabulous day.

    And hopefully Zander found a fun way to fill his day without his sister. Too sweet!

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