Just a quick post to say that tonight there will not, in fact, be a new cheese post. I had to go do my weekly gorcery shopping, and the hubby and I thought that we would all go out for a casual dinner tonight. We were on our way to Buffalo Wild Wings when we decided to try a new place- Hudson’s Grill. We should not have done that. We walked in and the place looked fun. Classic memorabilia, pieces of cars, etc. Zander thought it was cool. The kids ordered milkshakes, and those were quite good. So we eagerly awaited our orders. The kids ordered Macaroni and Cheese, which according to the menu, was a “Cheese sauce topped pasta served with a breadstick”. Andy ordered a bacon burger and I ordered a chili-cheese steak burger. Ah, our order is up.

The kids dinner comes out in these really cute cardboard car carriers, and prospects are looking good. And then I look. Easy-Mac. No lie. It was Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with a funky looking breadstick-thingy. For $4.49 a piece- and that didn’t include their milkshakes. My kids don’t even like Kraft macaroni and cheese. If we have mac-n-cheese it either needs to be shells-n-cheese or Annie’s brand. Then I see my plate… I thought I ordered a burger… instead I got this humungous puddle of chili and cheese goo- with some lovely white onions on top. Oh wait, further exploration reveals there is indeed a patty under there, and even further, a bun. Apparantly this thing is an open faced sandwich- and the menu clearly did not state it as such. And since I ordered fries to go with it, they plunked down a huge family size basket of obviously frozen crinkle fries. Andy’s burger was way overdone. Mine…well, the patty itself wasn’t bad. But the chili and cheese was not the best. It was okay for what it was, and probably would have been okay if a few tablespoons had been placed on a burger with a bun. But this…

Anyway. Consider this fair warning. Stay Away From Hudson’s Grill. They will be getting an angry letter from me- if for no other reason than the fact that they served Kraft Macaroni and Cheese when the menu promised something so much more. Now Andy and I are going to go nurse our matching heartburn and gut-rot. What a waste of a dinner out.

3 thoughts on “Warning!

  1. Sorry the dinner was such a disappointment. I’ve never heard of that grill and am not a huge fans of grills to start with. Hope you have better success next time!

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