I knew there was a reason I was in the mood to make candy. Today we picked up a new car for Andy, and he is just thrilled. Admittedly this was our first experience buying a car from a dealer, and it certainly won’t be our last. They were so accomodating and helped us find the perfect vehicle, and then helped lower the price into our approved price range.

It’s a Pontiac Aztec, and it is gorgeous. He should have many years of happy driving ahead of him. And by the way, those are snowflakes, they are coming down as I type this in. This morning when I dropped off Abigail for school, she stepped out of the van, stopped and smelled the air, then smiled at me. “Mmmm… Smells like it’s gonna snow!” So this snow is for her today. It’s too soon to say if it’s going to stick though.

3 thoughts on “Christmas came early!

  1. Thanks Claire, this is our Miracle car. There may be a future post about it at some point, but it is definitely a gift from above that we were able to purchase it.

    I love the climate differences in this country! We got a good 3 or 4 inches yesterday, and Abigail spent the evening in the snow making angels and snowmen. It was wonderful.

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